Consolation for Moments When You Have No Words to Pray

Romans 8:28(MSG)
26-28 Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.
Good Day! Are you feeling that you have no words to pray, or don't know what to pray sometimes during this journey of TTC, or having a baby in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). I totally understand, because I've been there as well. As a matter of fact, before this new year I was in a place of feeling like I wanted to pray, but couldn't because I felt so discouraged. I felt like God had forgotten about me, and wouldn't allow me to have our second child naturally as He's promised me. I was just silent most days. I would have thoughts of prayer, but barely anything would come out of my mouth. My spirit knew what I was feeling, and trying to convey to God, but my mouth just couldn't form the words. So, most days I would cry. All I could say during those moments was "God I trust you." Nothing more; nothing less. Even though I was struggling to trust Him, I still had to, for my own sake, remind myself to trust Him by saying this aloud! My fertility and preemie mom sisters: I know all too well what you're going through emotionally, and I know how some days it's easier to pray than others.
My encouragement today is just simply this: when you're at a place and moment in your TTC journey, or NICU journey where you're feeling tired and no longer have strength to pray, or a desire to-just know that the Holy Spirit goes to God concerning you. He knows ALL that you cannot put into words, and presents it to our Father. There will be days when you feel that you're tired of praying, and can no longer utter a word to pray because you just don't know for what to pray. You don't even know what you truly feel at the moment. During those moments, sit quietly before Him, and say nothing. Just sit and listen. He'll whisper to your troubled heart what you need to hear. But rest at His feet, listen, and allow the Holy Spirit to intercede to the Father on your behalf. Romans 8:26-28 MSG, tells us that the Holy Spirit does our praying IN and FOR us-making prayers out of our aching groans, and knows our pregnant condition. "Pregnant condition" means something different in the natural and spiritual. From a natural perspective it is whatever you're currently dealing with as it relates to your fertility: unexplained infertility, secondary infertility, miscarriage, low ovarian reserve, PCOS. From a spiritual perspective it is where we are spiritually-spiritually barren, and unfruitful, or hurting.
Therefore, take comfort in knowing that the Holy Spirit will keep us present before God during our prayerless times. Be sure and confident that every detail of our lives, including TTC struggles and prematurity of birth struggles, comes as no surprise to Him. He will work all of what you're going through out for your good, although you may not see how during this difficult time. Just trust your Daddy (heavenly Father). He cares, knows, and is working on your situation. Sisters, don't believe the lie from the enemy (satan) that says, "God doesn't care," "God is punishing me." That's so far from His nature, and the truth of who He is! He's a God that says, "Be fruitful, and multiply," "I give the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother," that's what God is saying about you.